Video Transcript
Hey, this is Mike from Amplion. Wanted to walk through an example of how you can leverage Amplion to ensure that you get great targeted attendance at your next webinar.
So looking at the workflow here, we’re going to start off by ensuring that we have a really good fit around the technical criteria that we care about. For example, I only want to invite folks that are in the oncology space – firmographically maybe I only care about pharma organizations. And then from a timing perspective, I want to make sure that I’m reaching out to folks who I know have recently published in this space. Perhaps we even want to get more narrowly focused and look at those individuals that are working in preclinical or in the IND phase or clinical phase, et cetera.
Once we’ve dialed in this first set of filters, we’re going to review this matching contact list, make sure that we’ve refined that list to get to the roles companies, locations that we care about. And then we’re going to export those lists and execute a campaign.
Let’s dive in here. In this case I’m running a webinar that I run quarterly as part of my marketing role, and I want to make sure that I get a good attendance. So every 90 days or so, I want to make sure that I’m refreshing this list.
So I’ve applied some basic filters. I’m only looking for individuals that are in the oncology or immunology space. I’m only looking at individuals who worked for big pharma or biopharma organizations, those that are based in the U.S. and then I’ve applied an evidence date filter here for only the last 90 days. This ensures that the list that I’m going to get are individuals who’ve actually published in this space in the last 90 days. This will again, allows me to run those campaigns and refresh them on a quarterly basis.
Looking at this list here, I can see that Jerry Fong at a Rakuten has recently published.
I can inspect the event that matched these details so I can learn more about what they’ve actually done – and confirm ‘yes’ that they actually are working in the therapeutic area, et cetera.
Next I’m able to, uh, dive deeper into this list. So what you’ll notice about the contacts view in Amplion is we’ve taken the name of the individual and the organization, and then we match them to their LinkedIn profile. You can see this individual’s LinkedIn URL right here. If I pull this up, I can confirm that this individual is in fact working at Rakuten – still presently working there. And we’ve been able to extract both their title and their geographic location from for this information.
The benefit here is that if I want to only target, for example, translational folks for my webinar, I simply come into title – I type in “translation” and I can apply that and get only a list of individuals who have “translational” in their title, if I wanted to further refine that list. Or I could of course, or go more broadly.
For each of these individuals, we’re going to include their email. This email was extracted directly from evidence. We also include the LinkedIn URL to their profile. This allows you to do two things. One is that you can run advertising campaigns on LinkedIn promoting this webinar specifically to this prospect. So instead of having a very broad LinkedIn campaign, I can target directly to the prospect level. I can also include this information so that the account owner of this prospect can actually do some LinkedIn Messenger outreach directly – perhaps send a connection request, send a message, inviting them to this webinar.
So what does it look like when we’re ready to run this campaign? Let’s assume that this list is correct. I’ve selected this group at the top here. And if you see under contacts under exports, you can export the contacts along with their matching event details. That spreadsheet is going to include all the key information that you want to insert into your CRM or your marketing automation platform. So we have the name of the organization, their first name, last name, email. We have the LinkedIn URL, so we can start running ads.
And then if we want to start running really targeted email campaigns, we can actually include much more rich personalization here. For example, the title of their recent publication, perhaps specific notes about their disease area that we can include in the subject.
Our customers have reported back to us that they’re seeing dramatic increases in their open and reply rates simply by using personalization tokens like the disease and the event title.
So hopefully this rounds out your view and gives you a pretty clear roadmap of how to start using Amplion to ensure that you get great response rates for those webinar campaigns – and great attendance – and can use that for further lead qualification.
Happy hunting and reach out if we can help!