Video Transcript

Hey, Mike, from Amplion. Wanted to do a quick walkthrough about how our marketing teams are using Amplion to present ads directly in front of their audience on LinkedIn.

So let me walk through briefly the, the concept here. A lot of our customers are using LinkedIn to generically present ads to prospects at accounts that we know about, perhaps they’re filtering it down by title. But it’s a very broad net that, that they’re using historically.

With Amplion our marketing teams now are able to really target not just at the account level or at the title level, but actually at the prospect level – meaning I can present ads directly to those individuals who I know are a good fit for my products and capabilities.

So let me walk you through how we do that. So we’re going to start off by defining a campaign with technical criteria, timing signals, and firmographics. We’ll review that contact list, refine the list to get to the right titles, companies and locations that we care about – export that list, and then execute a campaign around that.

So let’s jump in here. In this case, I’m using a fairly generic customer profile. So I’m looking to show only those researchers who work in big pharma or biopharma; who are working in the oncology and immunology disease space, and those that are based in the U.S.

And in this case, I’ve added an evidence date filter as well – because I’ve run this campaign 90 days ago, and I want to refresh my audience list now with a brand new group of contacts to focus on.

So what do we have here? The results that we’re looking at are individual researchers at larger organizations. Mid-sized small as well, that are biopharma and pharma. For example, Kim Campbell at Sandoz has recently published in this area in the oncology space. I can take a look and see what they’ve actually published.

This was in June, 2022, and we can see the specific details of the publication that she was connected to. So this was a clinical results disclosure. I can see all of the organizations that are affiliated, the title of this specific event, the therapeutic areas, drugs, drug classes, et cetera.

The reason I’m sharing this information is because this is going to be really valuable as we start doing this targeting. For example, you might want to have specific targeted LinkedIn ads that are focused on individuals in very narrow subsets of oncology, for example. Or perhaps those researchers that are specifically using a certain test method like NGS. By extracting all of that information from their recent events, we’re able to get you directly to that targeted list of individuals.

So now how do we take this and enable my ad campaign in LinkedIn?

You’ll notice here that for each of these individuals, we have a LinkedIn profile, and a link to the LinkedIn profile. We’ve actually taken this individual’s name, first name, last name and organization. We searched for them on LinkedIn, and then we find their LinkedIn profile based on that LinkedIn profile, we’re able to extract their title, their current location, as well as other information.

So now that we have this list, let’s imagine for example, that we only want to focus on individuals perhaps that have translational in their title. I can simply add a string here for translational. I can apply that, that will reduce my list down to only those folks that I know are in the translational space.

So we’ve gotten a very narrowly targeted list. Now I can present them an ad that focuses on the benefits of my products and services for translational folks.

If I want to even be more narrowly tailored, for example, I want to target folks who I want to invite to a conference that I’m attending in San Diego. I want to invite those folks or share more information about that, about our products and services. I can do that at this point.

We simply select the list of all the contexts that we care about now that we’ve narrowed this list down. We go to export and we can export all of these contacts with their matching event details.

And I’ll give you a little peek into what that looks like. That final spreadsheet that you receive from Amplion will contain all the relevant information, including their email, and their specific LinkedIn URL, which we’ll use. Then when we design that campaign in LinkedIn ad campaign manager, as well as all the other information, for example, the event, title disease, biomarkers, et cetera.

So using this information, we can simultaneously do an email outreach campaign to these folks, to their email. Perhaps that’s coming from marketing as a thought leadership piece, maybe it’s coming directly from the account owner, the sales or business development rep that owns that account, and then simultaneously targeting these individuals directly through their LinkedIn URL.

So you’re no longer spending a ton of marketing budget going after everybody that’s at AbbVie that may be, have translational in their title.

We can focus on those individuals that we know match the technical criteria that we care about. We know that they’re recent – meaning they’ve just published in the past 90 days, and we can incorporate that type of personalization in the ads that we run and the email campaigns that we do.

So hopefully this is helpful. If you’re not already running LinkedIn ad campaigns or if you are, and you’re not seeing great results, we’d love to walk through with you how we can dial that in and make sure that you’re getting great ROI on your LinkedIn spend. Happy campaigning!