Screen_Shot_2016-07-21_at_10.08.53_AM.pngThe team at Amplion, inventors of BiomarkerBase, is proud to share a podcast we did with The Bio Reporta member of the Levine Media Group. The Bio Report specializes in taking complex ideas at the intersection of biotechnology, business, policy, and science and making them accessible in an easy-to-digest podcast format.

Take a listen to Daniel Levine’s interview with our president and cofounder John Audette discussing the field of precision medicine, biomarkers as a whole, drug development, and how our biomarker database impacts the industry.

If you would like to understand more about how we can drastically improve your biomarker research and intelligence, check out our convenient video based BiomarkerBase learning module


For a more in-depth look at the topics discussed in this podcast, check out the Clinical Development Success Rates Study we coathored with Bio and Informa.